Destiny's first week is complete. She has such a well balanced personality; I'm so excited to see what she can accomplish.
Monday was the first day I got the chance to really work with her. I had been cleaning her stall and petting her over the weekend, but didn't get to do much beyond that. I walked into her stall and she was there waiting. She didn't shy to the back of the stall or anything-she actually stepped up to me. We headed to the arena with a little encouragement from behind from my mom and got to work. She was leading within minutes and shortly after was longing at a walk. She was not worried about desensitizing with ropes, whip, training stick, etc.
Tuesday she was longing at a walk/trot and when asked to stop she was yielding her hind quarters to face in toward me while staying exactly where I left her. She didn't push into my space. She didn't anticipate what we were doing next. She just waited and was petted. Her leading was even better and she was really watching my hand for any signals to walk on or stop. When I stopped, she stopped dead in her tracks.
Wednesday was unfortunately my day with the 24 hr stomach bug going around so I decided to let Destiny and me have the day for rest.
Thursday Destiny was walking/trotting/stopping excellent while longing and attempted some loping. She is very willing and tries to figure out what I want without getting wound up. We started doing lateral flexes and she is going to be very soft and very responsive. I just hardly lift on her rope and she brings her nose around! She started doing hind and front quarter yields.
Friday her loping while longing was much better but she still has some figuring out to do. She needs to figure out how to soften through her ribs. She works really hard to be soft through her head and neck, but is realizing that isn't quite enough to give her the release she is looking for.
Today we had our Halloween Trick or Treat Spooktacular. I was amazed by Destiny. She had her head hanging out of her stall into the aisle full of people most of the time. She had decorations on her stall front and even got a huge hug around the neck by a little girl and loved it!
Stay tuned for Destiny updates, pictures, and video posted to the website. Thank you all for your support, encouragement, and affection toward Destiny. Speaking on her behalf, she truely appreciates it.
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